From this chapter we can understand the importance of project schedules and good project time management. We cannot stop time so we must manage the project according to the time given and plan.
This chapter also defines activities as the basis for developing project schedules.
Project Time Management process include
- Activity definition: to identify the specific activities that the stakeholders must perform.
- Activity sequencing: to document the relationship between project activities.
From the activity sequencing we can create a network diagrams which display the logical relationship among project activities.
- Activity resources estimating: to estimate how many resource should use.
- Activity duration estimating: to estimate the number of time to complete the activities.
- Schedule development: to analys Activity sequencing, Activity resources estimating, and Activity duration estimating to create project schedule.
Important tools and techniques include Gantt chart, critical path, critical chain scheduling, and PERT analysis.
- Schedule control: to control and manage changes to the project schedule.
Important tools and techniques include progress report, schedule change control system, and variance analysis.
Sebuah Meja Kecil
7 years ago
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